An iced lavender matcha latte is the perfect start to the day or afternoon pick me up with earthy matcha green tea, sweet floral lavender and creamy milk of your choice!

bright & sweet

Step 1

  Combine sugar, water, and lavender in a saucepan. Boil at medium-high heat for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and let steep for 5 minutes.

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lavender syrup

Step 2

Combine matcha powder and water in a small bowl. Whisk with a matcha whisk until the clumps dissolve and a thick paste forms.

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whisk matcha

Step 3

Add more water, a little at a time, whisking thoroughly. Pour matcha liquid into a serving glass, rinse out the bowl and add to the glass.

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finish whisking

Step 4

Stir in lavender syrup and fill the glass with ice. Top with milk of your choice and swirl with a long spoon or straw to mix together.

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Assemble the drink

Serve & Enjoy!